Monday, March 07, 2005

Shadow Knitting Bag

I took Shadow Knitting with Vivian Høxbro at SOAR last fall. I finally finished the little bag we used as a sample project. Click on the pictures to see the "shadow" view.

The front:


The back:


I'd really like to make the Bumblebee Jacket, but I think I'll start with Ocean Vest and see how that goes. We're talking about 26 sts and 50 rows = 4" with size 2 needles. shocked.gif

Note to Sylvia: No, my house is never that clean. You just saw a little corner of the room I just finished putting back together.


  1. I must remember to show Pete! He has a finished square somewhere, and I know wants to to more.
    Nice work!

  2. That is so cool! I still haven't tried domino knitting, but have it in my hot weather plans.

  3. Sylvia5:21 PM

    I got the book but haven't tried it yet. Neat stuff! I think if I start with a bag maybe I'll finish?
    That's reassuring about your house. I was worried...
