Sunday, April 10, 2005

School School School

I was in class all weekend. Friday night, all day Saturday, and all day today. The good part is - I'm halfway through the course! I have three weeks off to read assignments, write a paper, and begin work on my final project. After another intensive weekend I have two weeks to turn in my final project. Pretty demanding, but I like pace. I have one more course like this and then the summer classes are for a full week.

I cut out a nightgown for my mom Thursday night, began it Friday between school and my class, and finished it last night. I also got a little spinning in before I crashed last night.

Some lovely Polwarth from Rovings. I have no specific plans for this, but it was definitely therapeutic.

I've finished weaving all the towels on the color gamp. This week I'll hem them and decide what's next. I've got several things going through my head. The one that pops up most often is log cabin. I made the towels last summer with a very small repeat and colors that were about the same value. This time I'm thinking about more contrast and bigger repeats. Maybe two different weight yarns. I'm looking through Leslie Voiers' monograph for some inspiration.


  1. I really like the colors in the roving you were spinning. Looking forward to hearing about your next batch of towels - I for one really enjoyed the posts about the color gamp, and I *love* log cabin! :D

  2. Susan4:47 PM

    Mom looked great in the nightgown by the way, and I know she loved it!
