Sunday, February 27, 2005

Free Day

I can't call it a snow day, since we don't have any yet, but I am home. A Nor'easter is on it's way, at least the school districts around here took it seriously enough to either call off school or have drastically reduced schedules.

I finished both of the shelving units yesterday afternoon. They are caulked and ready for painting. And before you ask, yes, I actually own some of those free weights on the stand (just don't ask me if I use them)!

Off to buy paint.


  1. Wow! I'm *very* impressed! I would like to learn to work with wood. We have all the tools, just no place at this house to set up a shop. Maybe one day.

  2. Mighty fine work Charleen! After you retire from teaching, you can have a second career as a cabinet maker (then you get to write off cool tools, and wood doesn't talk back).
