Sunday, October 03, 2004

What if I Get Lost in the Woods?

Would anyone ever find me if I was wearing this vest?

I really wanted to complete something new for SOAR and Rhinebeck (it's all Claudia's fault), so I brought out the vest I started in Sharon Costello's class this summer. It needed a little fulling and a lining. No problem, I had the perfect lining right there in my stash room. So I worked on it this afternoon and now it's almost dry.

BUT - I was worried it was a little too bright. So when all of my kids ended up being here for dinner, I brought them downstairs to see the drying vest. (There's nothing like your 20something kids to give you an honest opinion.)

"You're going to wear that?"
"Did you get a new job as a highway flag waver?"

I love it, they love it (just not for wearing), but it sure is bright! When I brought it back from class this summer, I mentioned that I didn't know if I would actually wear it. Carolyn suggested I line it, not sewing the shoulders, and put it on a rod to hang on the wall. Now that fall is making its appearance, it's looking more appealing. Maybe I'll wear it at SOAR, then take out the shoulder seams.

Actually, I do have new stuff for SOAR. I did a lot of sewing this weekend, but it's all pretty nondescript, but needed, stuff. Two pair of pants and five tops - black, navy, burgundy, hunter green.

I'll worry about Rhinebeck tomorrow.


  1. Luckily, I am tough enough to take all this(unwarranted) abuse.
    Have an awesome SOAR! I'm expecting pictures.

  2. I love it. And what a good excuse to walk in the woods on a foggy morning :-)
