I had to stop sleying about 12:30 last night, not making my self-imposed deadline. My brain just wasn't cooperating and I found myself making too many errors. Friday night as I sat playing with colors, setts, and patterns, I realized how much I like this process. As Carolyn detailed, it involves quite a lot of planning. I like to do this with my trusty calculator and mechanical pencil, but I also run the figures through a little calc file I have just to give me another chance to catch any errors before I start winding.
Despite this planning, I discovered last night that in an effort to get as wide a blanket as I can on this 40" loom I don't have a symmetrical layout. I almost stopped, but I really don't think it will affect the look. Plus, I can't add 40 ends and to take out 48 ends will reduce the width by about 2.5".
Symmetry is boring. Proceed!