Saturday, September 27, 2003

Wow! You can do that for me!

In my comment box yesterday I was offered the chance of a lifetime. Of course, I don't have that particular organ, but if I did, by golly, I would have responded in a heartbeat. As it happened, in my haste to delete the comment I must have deleted the whole entry. Not to worry - it wasn't exactly Pulitizer worthy.

School is taking up most of my time right now. I have over thirty kids in each of my three psych classes. At least my World Cultures class is smaller. I'm also creating another class on the fly. I'm teaching an advanced psychology class. Along with having three preperations we have very few substitutes in the district, so I've been losing my planning period to cover for other teachers. I'm also taking a Video and Hypermedia class so I've been busy learning how to edit. For one of my projects I have to do an instructional video and stream it. Sounds just right for spinning or weaving.

I did get the lighting in the studio up, so when I do get some free time lighting won't hold me back. I also finished my second fulled fish for the ST exchange. The Fibertrends tote is really a quick knit. Just have to do the strap and sew the bottom - oh, yeah, and full it! Hopefully I'll have it finished by next Saturday when I go see Sarah's new house.

I was hoping to get to the Harvest Sheep and Wool Festival in Salem NJ but work got in the way. Hope Linda has a good weekend there.


  1. Catherine6:01 AM

    I did that FiberTrends tote - love it! I used Baabaajoes 8 ply in royal purple and it fulled beautifully. My novelty yarn choice wasn't so great - Eros, and it got lost in the fuzz. Great, sturdy bag. I should go make another one.

  2. The mind boogles at what benefit your imaginary organ could have derived from the offered product....;-)
    That is too bad you are missing the fiber festival, given your unfortunate lack of Rhinebeck this year. I'm sure you have goodies tucked away in your stash to comfort you!
