I used a rolled hem for the sleeves, bottom, and pocket edges. I also grafted the ribbed collar instead of using a three-needle bind off. It's noticeable but not as noticeable as the bind off was.
The little cables and the saddles give a nice zing to this understated pattern.
I'm not sure if I was trying to hold in my stomach or not, but if I wasn't I should be after baking this weekend!
First off was a delicious Irish Soda Bread. A little late for St. Patrick's Day but there wasn't anyone around to eat it then.
This was the killer - Peanut Butter Fudge Brownies. I actually made them twice. The first batch was for a friend at work and they turned out so good that I made them for the weekend when the whole family came to see my BIL, who was in PA for a wedding. Can't you just taste the peanutty goodness!
Finally, I'm finished the back and up to the armholes on the first side of Twist.