Sunday, July 27, 2003

Look Who's One!

Birthday Cupcake

It's been one year of blogging about my fiber exploits. I don't think I knew how much I would enjoy putting my thoughts out there to share with everyone. Thanks for listening and thanks Claudia for planting the seed!


  1. Happy Blog-Day! Or, as I'm calling it, "Hey! Your Lemming's A Year Old Today!"

  2. So this is all my fault, eh? ;-) It's really all Elaine's fault....without the Urbanspinner blog this whole thing would, frankly, never have occurred to me, then to you, and so on, and so on....
    Happy Blog Birthday!

  3. I dubbed myself Charlemming last summer and it's only getting worse :-) You're right, Claudia, without Elaine's Fiber Arts Ring we'd all be writing into the vapor - or, more likely, not writing at all.

  4. Yeah, blame Elaine! She made me blog, she made me buy all those books!

  5. it's fun to blame Elaine!
